Friday, August 19, 2011

Spiritual Week One: MTC

The MTC has been an excellent experience.  We highly recommend it!  We have never searched the scriptures and studied this much in so short a time.  One of our most memorable moments was Tuesday evening before the evening meeting when the youth entered the hall.  They told us Monday that we were here with 2,500 young men and women between the age of 19 & 21.  Our group was 22 couples and one single sister.  Wednesday another 450 arrived.  We just checked out of the MTC.  If you're in the area, Elaine, my sister is giving us a going away party tonight.  Come crash the party.  We would love to say good by.   We leave for the mission field early, early, in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Sheryl and Fred, have a safe and enjoyable journey to the mission field.
    We felt the same way about the MTC. Not much sleep and a lot of studying and meetings. We were there for a whole week, have they changed how long couples stay at the MTC?
    Can't wait to hear more of your wonderful experiences in the mission.
    We send our best to you both. Boy, does Grant miss Fred. Just a bit of information. Pete Aschauer is moving to Oregon.
